Health Benefits of Slippery Elm Bark

The slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is a species of elm tree endemic to eastern North America, from southern Quebec to northern Florida and east of Texas. Slippery elm bark has been used in traditional Native American medicine for centuries to treat digestive disorders, ulcers, and wounds.

The inner bark of slippery elm contains high amounts of mucilage, which is mixed with proteins, enzymes, and antioxidants. These elements make slippery elm very effective in soothing digestive ailments like IBS, ulcers, and gastrointestinal infections.

Slippery elm bark powder is used to make a healing herbal tea that improves digestion and as a treatment for diarrhea and stomach ulcers.

The inner bark of slippery elm trees contains soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory chemicals. Slippery elm bark is used in many herbal treatments. It's a well-known fact that our mental health depends on the functioning of our digestive system. It's no wonder that slippery elm's gastrointestinal system healing properties may help to reduce anxiety and stress. Furthermore, slippery elm includes polyphenol chemicals, which have been proven in research to promote both physical and mental health, as well as to effectively fight against stress.

Slippery elm bark is also considered a demulcent, which means it has a soothing effect on inflamed mucous membranes, such as those found in the lungs, throat, and bladder. In addition, slippery elm is often included in multi-herb formulas to treat colds, bronchitis, and sore throats.

The bark of slippery elm is dried and processed into tea bags, capsules, or liquid tinctures. The recommended dosage for its use as an anti-inflammatory varies from 40 to 200 milligrams daily. As with any dietary supplement, discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before incorporating slippery elm into your treatment regimen.

Although there are no reported serious side effects, more research is needed to explore the efficacy and safety of slippery elm, given that there is still unsubstantiated evidence to support its use.

Avens Oat Straw Health Benefits

Avens oats contain a high concentration of fiber, protein, and starch. Because of this, they are a good food to eat before and after a workout or exercise. If you are trying to get back into shape but you don't want to feel like you are over eating, you should add oatmeal to your diet.

One of the most important health benefits of Avens Oat Straw is its anti-inflammatory properties. When the body is under stress, it produces more pro-inflammatory chemicals such as prostaglandins, in order to fight inflammation. Prostaglandins are actually good for the body, however, when they act as a pro-inflammatory, they cause a problem. The increased production of these pro-inflammatories leads to the formation of blood clots. When the clot dislodges from the artery, it goes into the joint causing a great pain, swelling, and even stiffness.

By eating oat straw regularly, the anti-inflammatory properties of Avens Oat Straw can help to reduce the amount of inflammation in the joints. It also helps to relieve the pain felt by those suffering from arthritis. When the person eats a diet that is low in inflammatory compounds, the cartilage in the joints, bones, and tendons remain undamaged and healthy, which creates a higher quality of life.

The nutritional value of avens oat straw is very beneficial to the body. This nutrient contains a variety of nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. All of the nutrients found in Oat Straw are easily absorbed by the body. This is why it is so commonly used as a natural dietary supplement. For those who are trying to lose weight, taking the daily dosage of Avens Oat Straw can significantly reduce the amount of food that is consumed, which will result in weight loss.

It has also been proven to be an effective treatment for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It acts by reducing the amount of gas produced by the stomach. Because of this, the person suffering from IBS cannot become overwhelmed by the effects of stress. The nutritional value of avens oat straw makes it one of the most beneficial ingredients that can be used in IBS treatments. There are many other health benefits of even oat straw that are great for the overall health. It is often used in the making of a number of different foods. You can find it in various types of breads, cookies, crackers, and many more. Since it is a high quality grain, it will usually last for longer than the average type of grain

Top 5 Health Benefits of Bay Leaves


What exactly are Bay Leaves?


There are numerous plants with leaves that are known as "bay leaves," but the genuine bay leaf is technically identified as Laurus nobilis. This is the nutrient-dense type mentioned in the article. Several other types of leaves resemble genuine bay leaves in look and fragrance, but do not have the comparable nutritional value. This is a tiny tree that is endemic to the Mediterranean area. Laurel trees were formerly abundant across the area, but fluctuating temperatures have reduced their numbers. However, these leaves have been used in medicinal and culinary applications for centuries.


What Is the Best Way to Use Bay Leaves?


Bay leaves may be ground into a spice and used to flavor soups and stews, although they are most frequently used intact as a flavour in specific Italian recipes. They are either taken from the meal before consumption or used as a garnish. Whole leaves are used very seldom. Bay leaves do not have a wide variety of culinary purposes, but extracts of these leaves have many medicinal benefits. These leaves are also used in aromatherapy and herbal therapies for a variety of respiratory problems.


The Top 5 Health Advantages of Bay Leaves


1.   Improve Digestion


Bay leaves have historically been used to treat indigestion and other stomach-related illnesses. Bay leaves not only provide excellent flavor and taste to meals, but they also assist in relieving stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal infections, flatulence, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. They are  used as a diuretic as well. However, further study on the benefits of bay leaves is required to fully establish their effectiveness in improving digestion.


2. Treat Respiratory Disorders

According to a study published in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, bay leaves exhibit potent antibacterial capabilities. After extracting the essential oil from bay leaves, it may be combined into a salve and administered to the chest to assist relieve different respiratory problems. This may also be accomplished using a warm fomentation prepared from the leaves. Apply it over the chest and let it on overnight. Because of its inherent antimicrobial properties, inhaling the vapor has a similar effect to aromatherapy and may loosen phlegm and remove harmful germs that may be stuck in your respiratory tracts.

3. Decrease Anxiety and Stress

Linalool oxide is often linked with thyme and basil, although it is also found in bay leaves. This chemical, when used in aromatherapy, may help reduce the amount of stress hormones in the body. Surplus stress hormones may be harmful to your health, therefore bay leaves may be able to calm you down and help you stay comfortable even in stressful situations.

4. Reduce Inflammation

Bay leaf includes chemical agents, referred to as sesquiterpene lactones, which are known to combat inflammation by reducing nitric oxide synthesis, which is one of the reasons of inflammation.

5. Improve Heart Health

Bay leaves include rutin and caffeic acid, both of which help the heart function better. These qualities may assist to fortify the capillary walls of the heart and reduce harmful cholesterol levels. Caffeic acid and rutin are two key chemical components present in bay leaves that may benefit our cardiovascular health. Rutin strengthens capillaries in the heart, while caffeic acid may assist in the elimination of LDL-Cholesterol from the cardiovascular system.


Aniseed Properties and Benefits.

The perennial Anise is an ancient plant that was first discovered in ancient Egypt around 2000 BC. The plant usually reaches a height of up to 3 feet produces little brown seeds known as "aniseed" from late August to September.

 The seeds include protein, starch, and up to 25% dietary fibre. Liquid accounts for the other 9 to 13% of the seed's weight.

Anise has long been utilized for both its medicinal and culinary properties.

 Hippocrates stated that anise is effective in the cleansing of the respiratory and digestive systems. Though it is commonly used in cuisine, its sweet flavor has also been used for medicinal purposes as a treatment for stomach issues, gastrointestinal congestion, and various infectious diseases.

Research has shown that aniseed helps prevent or even treat the following health issues:


1. Digestion Problems

Anise is highly beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract. It is good therapy for digestion disorders since it improves digestive characteristics. It gives therapy for all digestive illnesses as well as assurance for healthy digestive system functioning. It is extremely effective for diarrhea, stomach discomfort, bloating, and constipation.


2. Sleeping Disorders

If consumed after supper or even before going to bed, aniseed tea is quite beneficial in the treatment of sleeping problems. It is important not to cook aniseed for too long since when the essential oil evaporates, the bulk of its medicinal properties are lost. Instead, if you want to make the flavor more appealing without losing the medicinal properties, add sugar to the mixture after the tea has been rapidly boiled and cooled.


3. Skin Problems

The oil extracted from the star anise plant is also used to treat skin problems. Traditionally, the oil has been used primarily to treat mild acne. Furthermore, star anise oil is toxic to many pests and has been used to treat flea infestations. Even while star anise may aid in the treatment of some skin ailments, never apply undiluted star anise oil to your skin as it may cause severe irritation. To reduce the possibility of pain, the oil should always be blended with lotions.


4. Fluctuating Blood Pressure

Anise oil helps to keep blood pressure in control and reduces the strain on the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, because the oil is purifying, it improves blood flow and maintains blood circulation. The oil stimulates and revitalizes the heart. People who suffer from hypotension are not recommended to use aniseed oil since it may cause a further drop in blood pressure.


5. Bacterial Infections

Aniseed extracts have been scientifically proven to inhibit the growth and spread of a variety of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungal spores. It is considered to be useful in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections and diseases caused by them.

Recent research has demonstrated the usefulness of anise extracts in inhibiting the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, implying that anise extracts might be a potential substitute for traditional antibiotics in poor countries, particularly Egypt. The combination of anise extracts with certain antibiotics results in a novel option for treating infectious illnesses.



5 Health Benefits of Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha is a centuries-old medicinal herb that has a wide range of health benefits. This ancient herb has long been revered in Ayurveda and other forms of traditional medicine. It's quickly regaining popularity as scientific studies confirm the plant's numerous healing properties. It can reduce anxiety and stress, aid in the treatment of depression, boost male fertility and testosterone, as well as brain function.

The root and leaves of Ashwagandha provide the majority of its benefits. Teas are the most common use for the leaves. The root can be consumed in a variety of ways, but nowadays it is most commonly consumed in powder form and as a nutrition supplement.

Here are the top 5 benefits of Ashwagandha.

1. Strengthens the Immune System

 Our immune system is influenced by a variety of factors. Stress, inflammation, and a lack of sleep weaken our immunity making us more vulnerable to infections. Ashwagandha can strengthen your immune system by reducing stress and providing inflammation relief. This medical plant was also discovered to boost the activity of innate immune cells, that help our body fight against infection.


2. Brings Stress Relief

Concentrated Ashwagandha compounds generate anxiety-relieving effects that are as effective as many widely used anti-depressants, but without the side effects. According to research, Ashwagandha has a tremendous effect on cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that negatively affects all the cells in your body, causing premature aging and chronic diseases. 

It has been proven to be substantially beneficial for individuals with severe stress, anxiety, and even depression by lowering cortisol levels.  


3. Improves Male Fertility

 Stress negatively affects male fertility. Men who are under a lot of stress have reduced testosterone production levels. It is uncertain if it directly impacts the reproductive system or if it is potent enough to reduce stress levels that cause the change, but there is a substantial correlation between ashwagandha and improved testosterone and sperm quality. Recent studies of thousands of men from the age of 18 to 50 have shown that after 3 months of treatment, over 10 per cent of these men’s partners had gotten pregnant.


4. Reduces Inflammation

 The inflammatory process is one of the most common causes of disease in today's world. Ashwagandha is one of the finest treatments for this condition, which is caused by a variety of factors. It has been shown to decrease C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker, by over 36%.


5. Improves Brain Function and Memory

In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha has traditionally been claimed to increase memory, and clinical trials have confirmed that the plant helps improve cognitive abilities. The plant has been shown to boost acetylcholine levels in the brain, which are linked to memory. 


More intriguingly, several test-tube studies have found it to decrease difficulties in concentration caused by injury and illness.


5 Ultimate Benefits Of Ajwain (Carom Seeds) 

Ajwain seeds, also known as carom seeds, are a spice that has been used for hundreds of years. Ajwain seeds were initially employed in Ayurvedic treatment, an Indian herbal medicine technique.

Their bitter spicy flavour is similar to oregano, and they are frequently added curries. Apart from magnificent flavour, this spice also has numerous health benefits.

The seeds aid in the maintenance of healthy digestion. They cure any type of indigestion-related stomach problems, such as bloating, diarrhea, or cramps. Besides, this spice helps increase appetite in people suffering from eating disorders.

Ajwain seeds are intended to reduce the gaseous effects of beans and give balance to sweet soups and stews. They perfectly complement light proteins, beans, and curries, and are often mixed with saffron, chilli, cumin, fennel, and coriander.

Here are the top 5 benefits of ajwain seeds:

1. Provides Instant Relief from Acidity and Indigestion

 Ajwain seeds contain active enzymes that help improve our digestive functions by promoting the flow of gastric juices. Combine 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon carom seeds, and 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder. Take this mixture with water on a regular basis to relieve heartburn.

2. Helps in Treating a Common Cold and Asthma

 Ajwain is a natural remedy for a common cold, that provides instant relief by removing mucus from your nose, and making it easier to breathe. It may also aid in the widening of the bronchial passages, which can be beneficial to people suffering from asthma.

If you suffer from a cold, mix ajwain seeds with jaggery and add 2 teaspoons of this mixture to warm drinks twice a day.  

3. Reduces Scars and Cleanses Skin

Ajwain powder is particularly effective at reducing acne scars. Apply a paste to the afflicted region for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. This excellent home treatment may be quite beneficial in removing grime from the skin.


4.  Treats Pain and Inflammation

Ajwain seeds have two properties that aid to relieve pain and swelling as well as combat arthritis. They include antibacterial qualities that decrease redness and inflammation, as well as anaesthetic properties that relieve pain and swelling. As a home treatment, you can apply crushed seed paste to the joints or soak in a tub of hot water with a handful of carom seeds.

5. Keeps Mosquitoes Away

If your store-bought insect repellent doesn't work, you can always manufacture your own at home. Mix mustard oil and ajwain seeds and apply to cardboard pieces that you can tie in the corners of your room to fend off mosquitoes. Unlike the fumes generated by mosquito coils, using this spice as a repellent fills your house with a lovely aroma.




Chamomile Powder Properties and Benefits

Dry chamomile flowers are considered one of the oldest and most diverse therapeutic plants in history, and their excessive concentrations of antioxidant disease fighting agents, such as terpenoides and flavonoids have numerous health benefits. Chamomile has been an efficient medication for dozens of centuries, promoting excellent health, serenity, vigour and longevity, practically without any side effects.

The Chamomile plant comes from West Europe and North Africa, but nowadays it can be found in other temperate regions across the world.

Chamomile powder is used to help with sleep and relaxation, and as well as for digestive disorder treatment. Ground with dried chamomile flowers, it has an agreeable flowery scent, which is ideal for a soothing cup of tea.

Chamomile is commonly used to treat allergies, inflammatory diseases, skin problems, ulcers, injuries, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis, and rheumatic pain.

Camomile in the form of an aquatic extract was often used as a mild sedative to treat hysteria, nightmares, insomnia, and other sleep disorders.

Chamomile Powder Benefits

Components with antioxidants decrease inflammation by reducing free radical damage and preventing damaged cell mutation.  The advantages of antioxidants correlated with strengthening of the immune system, decrease in mood disorder rates, reduced swelling and healthy looking skin.

Contains a High Amount of Antioxidants

Components with antioxidants decrease inflammation by reducing free radical damage and preventing damaged cell mutation.  The advantages of antioxidants are associated with improved immune function, decreased mood disorder rates, reduced swelling and healthy looking skin.

Fights Stress and Reduces Anxiety   

Powdered chamomile can significantly decrease stress and anxiety symptoms. Chamomile is one of the finest medical plants for stress control and relaxation, whether in tea, tincture or essential oils, according to studies from Alternative Therapies in Medicine and Pharmacognostics.

Chamomile vapor inhalation is often advised as a natural remedy for depression and general anxiety since it is a common element for many candles and aroma oils.  

Improves Digestion

Chamomile is considered to be a potent digestion relaxant, and may be used for treating different gastrointestinal disorders such as gas, acid reflux, indigestion, diarrhea, anorexia, movement sickness, nausea and vomiting. Extract from camomile can help reduce diarrhea and colic in children and treat symptoms of diseases such as discomfort and anxiety. Chamomile oil also includes anti-spasmodic anodyne chemicals which reduce tightness, constipation and other stomach problems.

Many of these advantages are attributable to camomile’s natural relaxing properties.

Reduces Pain and Swelling

Chamomile is frequently referred to as natural aspirin since it has been known as a pain relief medication for many centuries. The blossoms of chamomile are used on their own or in combination with other anti-inflammatory products to relieve discomfort, congestion, swelling and redness.

Chamomile can be used in many different ways: 

·        Add to skin and hair masks to help soften skin, for relaxation and to provide a wonderful aroma.

·        Mix with cosmetic lotions and oils.  

·        Use in your bath water or make bath bombs Mix with a massage oil, to reduce muscle stiffness and inflammation.

·        Add to your tea for better sleep and relaxation.

·        Add to desserts and baked goods.



Nutritional Benefits of Acai Powder  

The Brazilian fruit, also known as acai berry or acai, is a small, round, black-purple drupe measuring about 25 mm (1 in) in circumference and resembling a grape in appearance. 


 Acai is a nutrient-dense superfood rich in chromium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. These components make this tasty ingredient extremely popular with nutrition enthusiasts and advocates of a healthy lifestyle.


Acai contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body, aid in cell renewal, and slow down the process of aging. When compared to competitors such as blueberries and wild berries, the antioxidant score is nowhere near as close.


Comparing the nutritional benefits of 100 grams of acai and blueberries, the researchers discovered that acai has a higher antioxidant content score of over 15,000, while blueberries have a lower score of less than 5,000.


Acai berries are commonly used to treat eye, liver, kidney dysfunctions, arthritis, high cholesterol, weight loss and obesity, and other metabolic disorders.


Acai berries contain plant sterols, which are cholesterol-like chemicals that aid in the prevention of improper cholesterol absorption in the body.


It goes without saying that when most of us think of Acai, we imagine frozen puree. Do you believe that acai powder is lacking the same allure?

  • By adding 2 ice cubes to any Acai bowl recipe, the powder can easily replace frozen acai puree.

  • A sachet of powder is always on hand if you run out of frozen Acai puree

  • Acai frozen puree is hard to find in supermarkets.

  • If you don't have a good blender, the powder is extremely easy to blend!


Here are some ideas of how to use acai powder.




If you mix some acai into your oatmeal, you enjoy the rich purple color of your meal and get a significant antioxidant boost.


Acai Bowl


Acai powder is frequently used to make acai bowls. Combine the acai powder, frozen berries, milk, spinach leaves, and honey in a mixing bowl. If the substance is too thick, add a little more milk or water. The consistency should be slightly thicker than a standard smoothie.

Pour into a bowl and serve for breakfast, topped with chia, flax, or fresh berries. It will make a lovely breakfast as well as a delicious meal.




Acai powder is also delicious when mixed into yogurt. Acai contains omega 3 nutrients, which help to fight inflammation and reduce yogurt's acidic effects. Yogurt is a healthy food that pairs well with acai. To reap the most benefits, choose a sugar-free version, such as simple Greek yogurt.




Acai adds a wonderful flavour to your smoothies, One teaspoon of acai will make your smoothie taste delicious.

Salad dressing


Prepare your homemade balsamic vinegar, and add acai for color and nutrition. Combine one tablespoon of acai powder with one tablespoon of plain balsamic vinegar and mix it up to create the perfect purple dressing!  

 Nutritional Benefits of Acai Powder


The Brazilian fruit, also known as acai berry or acai, is a small, round, black-purple drupe measuring about 25 mm (1 in) in circumference and resembling a grape in appearance. 


 Acai is a nutrient-dense superfood rich in chromium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. These components make this tasty ingredient extremely popular with nutrition enthusiasts and advocates of a healthy lifestyle.


Acai contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body, aid in cell renewal, and slow down the process of aging. When compared to competitors such as blueberries and wild berries, the antioxidant score is nowhere near as close.


Comparing the nutritional benefits of 100 grams of acai and blueberries, the researchers discovered that acai has a higher antioxidant content score of over 15,000, while blueberries have a lower score of less than 5,000.


Acai berries are commonly used to treat eye, liver, kidney dysfunctions, arthritis, high cholesterol, weight loss and obesity, and other metabolic disorders.


Acai berries contain plant sterols, which are cholesterol-like chemicals that aid in the prevention of improper cholesterol absorption in the body.


It goes without saying that when most of us think of Acai, we imagine frozen puree. Do you believe that acai powder is lacking the same allure?

  • By adding 2 ice cubes to any Acai bowl recipe, the powder can easily replace frozen acai puree.

  • A sachet of powder is always on hand if you run out of frozen Acai puree

  • Acai frozen puree is hard to find in supermarkets.

  • If you don't have a good blender, the powder is extremely easy to blend!


Here are some ideas of how to use acai powder.




If you mix some acai into your oatmeal, you enjoy the rich purple color of your meal and get a significant antioxidant boost.


Acai Bowl


Acai powder is frequently used to make acai bowls. Combine the acai powder, frozen berries, milk, spinach leaves, and honey in a mixing bowl. If the substance is too thick, add a little more milk or water. The consistency should be slightly thicker than a standard smoothie.

Pour into a bowl and serve for breakfast, topped with chia, flax, or fresh berries. It will make a lovely breakfast as well as a delicious meal.




Acai powder is also delicious when mixed into yogurt. Acai contains omega 3 nutrients, which help to fight inflammation and reduce yogurt's acidic effects. Yogurt is a healthy food that pairs well with acai. To reap the most benefits, choose a sugar-free version, such as simple Greek yogurt.




Acai adds a wonderful flavour to your smoothies, One teaspoon of acai will make your smoothie taste delicious.

Salad dressing

Prepare your homemade balsamic vinegar, and add acai for color and nutrition. Combine one tablespoon of acai powder with one tablespoon of plain balsamic vinegar and mix it up to create the perfect purple dressing!