5 Ultimate Benefits Of Ajwain (Carom Seeds) 

Ajwain seeds, also known as carom seeds, are a spice that has been used for hundreds of years. Ajwain seeds were initially employed in Ayurvedic treatment, an Indian herbal medicine technique.

Their bitter spicy flavour is similar to oregano, and they are frequently added curries. Apart from magnificent flavour, this spice also has numerous health benefits.

The seeds aid in the maintenance of healthy digestion. They cure any type of indigestion-related stomach problems, such as bloating, diarrhea, or cramps. Besides, this spice helps increase appetite in people suffering from eating disorders.

Ajwain seeds are intended to reduce the gaseous effects of beans and give balance to sweet soups and stews. They perfectly complement light proteins, beans, and curries, and are often mixed with saffron, chilli, cumin, fennel, and coriander.

Here are the top 5 benefits of ajwain seeds:

1. Provides Instant Relief from Acidity and Indigestion

 Ajwain seeds contain active enzymes that help improve our digestive functions by promoting the flow of gastric juices. Combine 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon carom seeds, and 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder. Take this mixture with water on a regular basis to relieve heartburn.

2. Helps in Treating a Common Cold and Asthma

 Ajwain is a natural remedy for a common cold, that provides instant relief by removing mucus from your nose, and making it easier to breathe. It may also aid in the widening of the bronchial passages, which can be beneficial to people suffering from asthma.

If you suffer from a cold, mix ajwain seeds with jaggery and add 2 teaspoons of this mixture to warm drinks twice a day.  

3. Reduces Scars and Cleanses Skin

Ajwain powder is particularly effective at reducing acne scars. Apply a paste to the afflicted region for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. This excellent home treatment may be quite beneficial in removing grime from the skin.


4.  Treats Pain and Inflammation

Ajwain seeds have two properties that aid to relieve pain and swelling as well as combat arthritis. They include antibacterial qualities that decrease redness and inflammation, as well as anaesthetic properties that relieve pain and swelling. As a home treatment, you can apply crushed seed paste to the joints or soak in a tub of hot water with a handful of carom seeds.

5. Keeps Mosquitoes Away

If your store-bought insect repellent doesn't work, you can always manufacture your own at home. Mix mustard oil and ajwain seeds and apply to cardboard pieces that you can tie in the corners of your room to fend off mosquitoes. Unlike the fumes generated by mosquito coils, using this spice as a repellent fills your house with a lovely aroma.